Rex of Elysium

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  • I just got my 10th villager, and I don't really time travel so you don't have to worry about Chester right now since I no longer have space for him! If I do free up a villager slot, I'll let you know. ^^
    Rex of Elysium
    Rex of Elysium
    It's alright. I havn't gotten the card yet. Turns out only Rory and Hopper (who I didn't ask for but my mom knew was my favorite villager) arrived. The other three, Chester included, will be here in the next few weeks.
    Cool then it all works out then. Apparently it can take awhile for people to move out when not time traveling. :( Someone said it's only about 1 request every 1-2 weeks? I'm not entirely sure, but it could potentially be awhile. We'll see...!
    I found a Chester, so I'll no longer be needing him anymore! :)
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