Ghost Of Mascevanje

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  • Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your music tastes on TBT (and giving me song recommendations!) - Your posts have helped me discover new artists I wouldn't otherwise have listened to. (Most notably Cannibal Corpse, which I consider one of my favorite metal bands now.)

    I decided to check out Godsmack's "Awake" album after you posted the lyrics for "Bad Magick" (I got curious and did a quick lyric search). I enjoyed it a lot and I might check out the rest of their discography. c:
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    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    That's great to hear! Godsmack in particular gets a lot of hate from music snobs on the internet (just like Korn does), but I've always thought that they were enjoyable, even if their albums aren't the most consistent in terms of quality (it usually feels as if the lead singles from them overshadow everything else). I've only listened to the self-titled debut, Awake and Faceless since I really enjoyed the lead singles. Those first three albums are considered their best ones (I rate all of them a 7/10), but you can listen to the others that came after if you're really interested.
    It's safe to say that a lot of nu-metal artists tend to get shunned for their style (even the most popular ones like Korn and Slipknot). I think it's a very cool sub-genre though, and Godsmack just has that sound that I really enjoy!

    Regarding "Awake", I'd say my favorite tracks are Sick Of Life, Bad Magick, and Forgive Me. And I'm definitely gonna check out their self-titled and Faceless albums.
    A few days ago I looked on my back porch and I saw a possum hanging out with my cat! Since we both share a love for them, I thought I would tell you about it! It was super cute and the possum was very friendly. 🥰
    Thank you so much for the lights, they made me really happy. I’ve had a very rough week and they really cheered me up. Thank you so much ☺️💕
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    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    Thank God you didn't receive any major injuries! (The other lady as well, even if it was her fault). Indeed, I'm sure that was a very traumatic experience nonetheless. It can be scary driving on the road these days; lots of impatient and inconsiderate drivers out there! (You can be the most perfect driver in the world, but that still doesn't guarantee that some fool won't crash into you, especially if they're drunk).

    Yes, that would definitely ruin anyone's week! I hope this issue gets resolved very soon (and that your family is there to comfort you during this time).
    My family was luckily there with me and comforted me through it. My boyfriend was also a huge help in calming me down. I was very lucky to have people there for me. How has your week been? 😊
    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    That's great to hear!

    Recently have been feeling a tad fatigued, but other than that it's been alright!

    Off topic from the music threads round here, but you ever gave vended a listen? these are from the kids of slipknot (lead singer being corey's son the guitarist being mick's nephew and the drummer being shawn's son) and these guys go pretty hard for a new group.
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    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    Ghost Of Mascevanje
    Why no, I was not aware that the children of Slipknot had a band of their own (since I don't really keep up with most of the latest music anymore, and haven't done so in quite awhile). I've listened to the song twice now, and my first impression is that it's not bad at all! (You see, sometimes I'm a tad skeptical towards singers/musicians who happen to have famous parents, since a chunk of them just use their connections to get to the top). Kind of reminded me of the Metalcore wave from the late 2000s/early 2010s. I can definitely see and hear some resemblance between Griffin and Corey too (naturally).

    I appreciate the suggestion!
    yah, it sounds like if iowa, came out today and np
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