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  • I love your avatar. I love Luna. She kinda looks like my cat lol
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    Reactions: oddbear
    thank you so much!!!!
    luna is a very cute cat, so i’m sure yours is also cute :3 ♥️
    she actually looks like my cat as well!! his name is milo and we call the brown fur on his head his bangs lol
    Crunchy cat avatar = based & cool. 🔥🔥🔥
    (referring to the ur married to the avatar above you thread) the guy in my pfp isn't actually a robot LOL he just wears a helmet!! its funny everyone who sees him for the first time assumes he is (it's ok i thought so too at first)
    hey!! I saw your post in the recent gaming purchases thread and wanted to wish you a fun time! TGAAC is easily my favourite AA game and maybe my favourite visual novel - I absolutely adore the cast and the story, and I hope you will too! I also love your choice of pfp, Kazuma's boisterous laugh is a highlight of the games :,)
    • Love
    Reactions: oddbear
    Phoenix being Trucy's father figure is everything to me LOL, they are so cute 😭 I'm such a sucker for found family dynamics.
    Interesting to hear! I love the silliness/humor of the games and its ability to be generally lighthearted while still having poignant moments. It's kinda wild that DD has the only M rating in the series 🤔
    Yeah, on one hand I feel like a lot of the characters have had their arcs wrapped up and the next game would benefit from a fresh cast, but on the other hand, they are so iconic. My pipe dream is a Miles Edgeworth Investigations style game with the TGAA characters, but that might be a bit of a stretch 😅
    Would love to hear your thoughts on TGAA once you're further in the game! :D
    wait that would be perfect. i loved playing aai, i like the way the investigations games are laid out, and with the TGAA characters… aaaaaa that would be so cool!!
    i’m probably going to play it some more today, so i’ll tell you what i think when i’m further!! :]
    @lunatepic i just finished the first case and jezaille brett has the funniest breakdown i’ve ever seen. :,] i lost my mind laughing at it, she just flew out of the courtroom lol.

    also, i didn’t know if you wanted to keep talking on my profile or if you were ok with me DMing you, either is ok with me. :]
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