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  • it says your messages are full, but yeah I can come over right now and I'll add your friend code :)
    Yeah I think it's me ;-; I just opened my gates and it dc'ed lol

    Do you have skype or something I can talk to you easier over?
    When you're done just say "done" and I'll end, then TT to the next day super quick while you open your gates
    Yeah, looks like you'll have to take Rosie now then, then let me TT to tomorrow. Do I have you added?
    20m she's being sold for ^-^ and I'll probably TT to the 12th on the 10th, so it's not a huge gap :) I can take Rudy fine
    Yes!! Please!! I have Rosie moving out on the 12th so can you keep him until a little later in the day? I'm selling her so it might take a little while
    HAHA I hadn't... I'm so stupid I'm sorry. You can come now!

    P.S just message me whenever Rudy asks to leave if you're reserving him for me. I'm so excited for him c:
    Well, my gate's open when you're ready. Her house is just right of the plaza :)
    Awh that's a shame ;___; Savannah is actually really cute. Horses are my second favorite species. I would have taken her but I really love the cats at the moment. I would have loved to have had her or Victoria though, aw.
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