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  • Hello, the other girl said she doesn't have enough bushes, so would you like to trade 8 Pink Hydrangeas for my Lily Player? <3
    I do need the items! I just got home! I need to add you and can you tell me how much it costs again?
    I've got one, but thanks! your town would be great if you don't mind because i'm only like two towns away from getting the traveller badge from phineas! So I'm ready! Let me know when you're open!
    Yes! I'm eating lunch right now but as soon as I pick up my game, i'm down! Should be about 15 minutes. Your town or mine?
    Sorry that I was not there on time. I will pay you a premium of 100K for me not being on time, so a total of 700K for all of the pascal items. Would that be alright? Please PM me!
    Sorry I have everything but the icy shirt ;-; just realised I couldnt find it :/ I ca order you give everything but the icy shirt today and order you the icy shirt and give to you tommorrow c:
    --gates open
    Hello! I just found a spare aquarius urn in my house 5 minutes ago :3 (turns out i had an extra). If you;d like we can trade now c:
    Sorry, I was debating how to reply to your request lol

    I am interested in the mystery bag, but it would take so long to order everything on your want list, so I'm not sure what to do.

    If you hold those items for me I could probably pull it off, but it'd have to be this weekend when I have more time.

    Let me know.

    PS I found the Pink wetsuit so I'd no longer need that.
    Hey Olive,

    I'm interested in your sweets bed. I have a (up to date) complete catalogue so I have access to almost all of your want list. How many items would you want for a straight trade?
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