• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • hiya! when would be a good time to drop off the IGB for the sprite :)?
    I will be online most of the day today (I'm gmt+1) :) lmk when you are online and I will pm a dodo code x
    (edit - going on a walk for an hour now but will be here when I'm back)
    hiya! i’m online ^^
    hi! please let me know when you want the payment :D
    okie dokie. c: im very excited for it! im sorry i forgot to ask if u could put little hearts around her >w<
    Of course. Could you edit your main post with the details just so I don't forget when I get round to it x
    okie dokie! ty again.
    Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your pixel art so much! It's really nice and if you take commissions, I'll be paying high in tbt for one :)
    oh thank you so much! i haven't been very active the past few months, so thank you for updating me :)
    it's so cute i love it sm!! <3
    i just wanted to say i love your pixel art something about it makes me feel happy lol. i didn't want to bump the thread so i just put this here..if you decide to open a shop i'll definitely be a customer!!
    OMG thank you so much, I haven't been online much lately as things have been so busy but so happy to see that little Pixel on my profile! She's perfect, thank you so much! I'll add her to my signature asap :)
    Hey! I just checked the forum today after posting yesterday and I've sent in a message to the staff so I'll probably have to wait around for a bit to find out. But wow, thank you so much for offering! ಥ_ಥ I'm honestly so incredibly touched you would reach out to help a random stranger. You're so generous that I'll feel bad if I take you up on that offer. D:

    Hopefully things will work out but once again, thank you so much for reaching out! <3
    Yeah of course! I've had a few people ask in pm's the authors and i've sent out a list. c: I forgot to add it to my shop originally and then I closed it, I just went back and forth with it a lot and it slipped my mind. Yes KawaiiHannah is the main one I have used however I did not know she required a link back so thank you! I plan to update my op tomorrow c:
    Oh you are so sweet, yeah the post didn't show up, I just wanted to make sure you didn't send it to the wrong person :3 I appreciate that so much, you are very kind!
    Hi there, you sent me 100 tbt just now, just wanna make sure you sent that to the right member since I dont believe we have talked in a long while or ever.
    Doing well, thank you! Oooh, hope you are enjoying HHD. It's such a great time-pass game.
    Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one, it's been nice seeing you around posting again :lemon:
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