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  • Um I waited all weekend for a response, are you busy or do you no longer wish to trade?
    Hi i noticed you have Miranda in your town and I was wondering if you were willing to trade her :3
    Hey Anabelle is in boxes D: I didn't realise she wanted to leave.. I don't know if you got her already but could you come get her pwease? ; w ;7

    Edit: I'm going to have to void her in 10 minutes because people are getting impatient with me :(

    Edit: Sorry I have to carry on with my cycling so she's gone :c I tried to get someone to hold her for you but no one had room.. I hope you find her again soon </3
    Heya Anabelle would like to move, are you available now or anytime soon, if you don't reply to me in 30 minutes I will say no to her and try again next time! x3

    Edit: I said no to her x3 Hopefully you'll be on next time!
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