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  • Hi, sorry! Wanted to get the little orders finished first, I've added you <3 Let me know when gates are open.
    Still not okay to give a negative rating for that. It's not like you could control it. He sounds like a jerk.
    Noooooooo! I meant YOUR rating. From someone because they couldn't go to your town. That's a stupid reason to give a negative rating!
    Yeah sure just let me know when you can pick him up, I'm not sure when they move out but the time on the game is 6pm I think :)
    I just noticed you have Apollo as a dreamie and I happen to have him in boxes in my main town! :O
    Would you like him? :D
    Uhh, okay how much do you have?
    I'll save after every 2 trips you make to the locker now c:
    Hi just picked up your message! If you want to come and sell your turnips you are most welcome! :)
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