dreamysnowx Feb 8, 2014 No problem! your friend has a great town i'd love to visit it again once it's comleted~
dreamysnowx Feb 8, 2014 Hello! I wrote a review of your town on my thread! I can't post it on your wall as it was over the text limit so check it out!~ http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?133606-Visiting-dream-addresses!-Doing-dream-town-reviews
Hello! I wrote a review of your town on my thread! I can't post it on your wall as it was over the text limit so check it out!~ http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?133606-Visiting-dream-addresses!-Doing-dream-town-reviews
sidneyac Jan 28, 2014 Oh darn that stinks! Well Goodluck with keeping him! I've lost multiple villagers because of time travel :/
Oh darn that stinks! Well Goodluck with keeping him! I've lost multiple villagers because of time travel :/
sidneyac Jan 28, 2014 Hey I will be on for about 30 more minutes before I have to go do u want Rolf now?