Zulehan Aug 24, 2014 Benjamin is 'in boxes.' Giving you exclusive chance to claim him for one hour, after which anyone else may ask: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?207093-Koriko-BOXES-Benjamin-the-lazy-dog-MOVED-IN-Tabby-the-peppy-cat&p=3691150&viewfull=1#post3691150 If you are late to see this, I might still have Benjamin, so please make sure to check the topic first.
Benjamin is 'in boxes.' Giving you exclusive chance to claim him for one hour, after which anyone else may ask: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?207093-Koriko-BOXES-Benjamin-the-lazy-dog-MOVED-IN-Tabby-the-peppy-cat&p=3691150&viewfull=1#post3691150 If you are late to see this, I might still have Benjamin, so please make sure to check the topic first.