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  • Why have you forsaken me so ; o ; ! (Just kidding~ Hope you're back by the time I pass out o)-( )
    OOOoh yaay. Okay, can you add both FC's: 5215-1664-8175 and the one in my sig/desc? You'll need to pick Zucker up from the 5215 (Sunset) and I'll pick Beau up with my main FC afterwards <:
    Oh dang O A O"" uhhh, okay... I'll be up! I'll need to speak to the person I'm going to hold the villager for x x;
    Okay, thank you! I'd appreciate it if you could give me a rough estimate time-wise? I'm cooking dinner and also need to hold a villager for a friend <':
    INCREDIBLE NEWS! I got Julian! Whenever you're on, PM me so I can get Zucker up for our trade xD
    Fingers crossed Venice gets Julian into boxes when people are still asleep Q__Q Edit: I've never spammed the refresh button so much in my entire life
    can i pay you through my main town and then switch to my alt town and pick him up?
    this is taking longer than i expected...i managed to get 6 villagers out so far
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