Isabelle4Smash Mar 9, 2016 It's okay, it happens sometimes. Thank you for offering her though! It;s always the thought that counts, you know?
It's okay, it happens sometimes. Thank you for offering her though! It;s always the thought that counts, you know?
Blueskyy Jan 11, 2016 Thanks so much. I'm so glad I thought to ask you about Bill. You seem like the only person on here to have him. You made my night and my jock buddy from Gamecube is back
Thanks so much. I'm so glad I thought to ask you about Bill. You seem like the only person on here to have him. You made my night and my jock buddy from Gamecube is back
Blueskyy Jan 11, 2016 Um yessss! Let me add your FC and tell me when gate are open/town name. I'll be on my way
Blueskyy Jan 10, 2016 Hey are you trying to get rid of Bill or are you saying your bird town is yours your keeping?