Zulehan Jun 17, 2014 Still looking for Nan? In case you return before someone asks for her, I am letting anyone invite Nan to their town: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?191132-Nan-the-normal-goat&p=3208804#post3208804
Still looking for Nan? In case you return before someone asks for her, I am letting anyone invite Nan to their town: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?191132-Nan-the-normal-goat&p=3208804#post3208804
Reindeer Jun 3, 2014 It's a different town. I'm not sure how much that matters, but it has happened to me before that somebody I can connect to fine can't connect to this other town. Are you all right with me giving Coco to danielvsa?
It's a different town. I'm not sure how much that matters, but it has happened to me before that somebody I can connect to fine can't connect to this other town. Are you all right with me giving Coco to danielvsa?