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  • Thanks so much for the lovely signature! Love it so much. I'm sure I'll have you do more down the line when I get tired of lemons. :lemon:
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    Reactions: Viridia
    Thanks so much for your feedback and letting me make your signature! I hope you enjoy using it! ^^
    hey remember l questioned you about if it was possible to have you do 7 towns in one signature and you said that we can make arrangements and have an idea of how it will look. Well l'm sorry that l didn't give you the ideas or backgrounds for sig. I been busy a lot irl and forgot. But l will PM you tomorrow maybe and get some ideas for sig.
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    Reactions: Viridia
    I remember! No worries, just send me a PM and we can get started whenever you're ready :)
    LF Collectibles: Swamp Potion, Emerald, Peridot, Star Wand, Invader, Green Star Fragment, Sakura Egg, Kaleidoclover, Spring Clover, Leif and Tortimer
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