• and that explains why a quick ball showed up. You can definitely have the love ball then!
    so sorry I screwed this up xD
    oh my god I know why
    I edited the wrong Mimikyu lol! I'm so sorry lol, I'll edit yours again and head back online
    Nope the ball it is in right now is a quick ball.
    But I can change the quick to a heal ball then!
    hmm I can't seem to give Mimikyu a love ball. It tells me it's not possible for the species
    Any other pokeballs you'd like? They can't be apricorn balls sadly
    no worries! I am doing someone else's edit at the same time as yours so it'll just be about 5-10 mins if that's fine
    Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I had a ton of hw yesterday ;;
    Let me know when I can pick up Mimikyu to edit.
    Aha, sorry, internet has been down until now. I'm on holiday without my Pokemon cartridge so I'm afraid I can't trade. Sorry!
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