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  • I'll hold him as I did state so in my rules. It's fine! Hopefully the guy comes on soon. Oh, and I'm EST, so I may come off in an hour or so.
    I will hold him for 24 hours, however, I think I'm going some place tomorrow and won't be back home for awhile. If, by any chance, we can't trade tomorrow due to inconveniences, I'll hold him for another day.
    Hello. I just wanted to let you know that Marshal has pinged me. Let me know when you're able to trade. :)
    Okay! Oh, but he just recently moved in, and at the moment I have Peanut moving out. I'm awaiting on The Hidden Owl to pick her up. I'll let you know ASAP when he pings me to move.
    yeah me too... And later I saw the 2 or 3 mill and its like JUST THAT, and did you saw that later that same user offer like 8mill over her 3mill deal!!
    alright sorry I just am resetting tommorow and well I am trying to get someone to move out and have someone hold her
    I am going to void fang in 15 minutes so if you want him I will add and open (free) I decided no longer want bells
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