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  • if you want I can get you the sweet set now just add this FC:4382-2511-6319 I will add you now
    iiMushyxD - Order ready
    Minimalist set
    bed 1000
    chair 2000
    clock 3500
    dresser 2500
    lamp 1000
    minitable 2500
    ottoman 1500
    sofa 1500
    table 2000
    vanity 3000
    wardrobe 3000
    neutral floor 1200 (i think you meant this)
    neutral wallpaper 1200 (i think you meant this) = 25,900 + fee = 30,000 (13)

    I have added your FC and please open your gate for delivery
    Alpine set
    bed 2400
    chair 2000
    closet 2380
    dresser 2200
    kitchen cart 1960
    lamp 2000
    low table 2000
    panel 1800
    rug 1400
    shelf 2100
    sofa 2360
    wallpaper 1320
    Large alpine table 2400 = 26,320 + fee = 28,00
    Modern Wood set
    bed 1680
    chair 1200
    chest 1480
    clock 1400
    closet 1600
    flooring 1480
    lamp 1680
    shelf 1840
    sofa 1600
    stool 1480
    table 1980
    tv 1800
    wallpaper 1480 = 20,700 + fee = 21,000
    28k + 21k = 50,000
    Open your gate please.
    Hey! I have about 35-40 of each of those types :) so let me know which ones you'd like ~
    i sent the TBT but if you can't hold the pic till I get back on in a few days i understand and please refund! hopefully i will see you soon! PS if confused check my message on my Visitor message board
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