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  • hi, i'm sorry but rodeo decided to cancel his move! i'll try to cycle him out, and will let you know when he's moving again!
    Hey there! I know Kelsy irl and she is currently out with someone. She will be back online later and I have notified her of you responding.
    hi! :) could we arrange a time for the transaction(?) for marina? our time gap really sucks
    oh gosh im so sorry ;; i thought you went to bed or something so i went offline. yea i understand!
    oh wow 0: our time gap sucks ehhh ok i'll be on for 20 mins, then after that, 1 pm pst ;A;
    hello sorry! missed you again, when's a good time for you? i can drop off btw :)

    and your inbox is full ^^
    I had to continue cycling so I transferred Gayle to my other town, I can let you know when she's in boxes again
    ok I'll just hold onto her till someone adopts her... I don't do reservations so as long as no one else wants her, you can still adopt her. but if someone else can pick her up sonner I'll just refund you
    Oh, thanks, but I wouldn't be able to get her as she was for my 2nd town, and my siblings lost that copy :/
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