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  • I'm so sorry about earlier! I had errands to run literally a minute I posted that i was ready! If you still want the cap, then I'm down. :)
    OK. I actually ordered the pilots As well, in case you didn't have it by then. So if you still need that in a couple hours I can get that to you.
    Ugh, sorry, I just realised I don't have the pilot's cap after all. I was thinking of the police cap haha. So would just the red pom pom hat be okay?
    hey adding you! You are more than welcome to come by: It's Nia of Yoko. FC: 5215-3088-0415. Feel free to walk to the RV as I am laying paths! ^o^
    Hi! Thanks for the reply! I'll be able from 7:00AM-8:00AM CET, and then from 12:30PM-8PM CET. Choose the time, I can be here anytime during these periods :)
    Ive added your friendcode and opened gates (I am Boop from Violet) I dont think youve added my code yet but just feel free to drop by and pick him up when youre free since i MIGHT be afk when you come back. Dad is coming back with groceries so~
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