• Mario Kart players, joins us in TBT Neighborly Games and earn a recolor of the new toy car collectible. Sign up in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Weekend thread. More sessions to be added!

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  • Ahh hehe all good - I've been in hospital past couple weeks so I apologise for not responding.
    howdy was it you that allowed me to catalogue your sets and said i could catalogue your other saves and rest of your town?
    oh damn, i missed you :( i'm just about to go out, but when I'm back i'll be back at my pc for the reminder of the day so hopefully will catch you later.
    Howdy Dude, let me know when you're available so I can catalogue the rest of the items <3 cheers man.
    Thanks again dude, VM me when you're back so we can do the rest of that town and the others.
    Waiting for your gates to open, encase you don't know how to find someone's F/C here is mine: 4657-0952-8239. I'll keep my gates searching for yours :)
    Sorry I was watching TV hehe. I'm available now, I'll keep the forum open so I can tell when I get a reply from you.
    Howdy Dude/Dudette, I've responded via my thread. I'll post my reply below: If you don't mind? Or even if I just catalogue that'll be helpful. Do you happen to have a golden slingshot I can have/buy?
    Good news! I bought a new 3DS and I transported my physical into a digital. No more errors for me! :D
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