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  • I haven't played in a month and I'm trying catch up to the real date again without ruining my town just so I can catch the 2 fish I'm missing. I hardly get on here or New Leaf anymore.
    I figured you have, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Congrats on catalogging everything!! woohoo
    It's been a while since I've played, but I think a few months ago you needed to catalog unorderable paper? I could be wrong, lol. Anyway, I just got the snowman, halloween, and museum paper if you need to catalog any.
    oooh hopefully you'll get a great job with no hassle :> Tina's gonna make another nub game soon but I don't think I will join it. I'll be sure to hit you up when there's another non-nub game coming up!
    hi cass! I'm ready to get merengue whenever you are :). Ill be going in about 20 minutes. No rush! But after that I will be back at 8:30 pm pst
    Delivery please and please use this friend code, NOT the one on my sidebar: 5344-1205-0446.
    Hi Cass, my name is Monsoon. I happened to notice on a thread you said you were looking for a Creepy Cauldron. It just so happens that I am selling one in my Re-Tail shop, would you like to buy mine off me for 20 TBT? Let me know what you think. :)
    I am so sorry! My friend has been waiting for ever to visit! May I visit you later?
    Don't be sorry. I'm the one who's terrible with judging time. My gates are open :) look for Soie!
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