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  • Hey I just joined this website, please can you help me out?! I've got gracie in my town and have no "modern clothes" to pass the fashion check!

    Big thanks if you can, drop me a message! My name's Rach :)
    Believe it or not, I had considered saying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the worst representative in Congress, and I do think she comes close, but Steve King has ties to the white nationalist movement that I can't stand.
    I do also think Ilhan Omar is awful. What she said about the Jews and Israel, and later referring to 9/11 as "some people did something" is inexcusable. Rashida Tlaib is also pretty bad when you consider the type of language she uses.
    There's a lot of representatives I don't think are very good. Steve King is probably the worst IMO.
    Worst senator? I honestly want to say Mitch McConnell because of how he did Barack Obama with Merrick Garland, yet is making sure any appointment of Donald Trump's goes through.
    Thank you so much!! I can't wait until it's over hahaha!! And AYEEE!! At least finals are finally over for you!! That's awesome cx
    Hi Apples! I'll be starting on your sketch on Wednesday! That'll be my last day for finals! Going to be super busy this weekend as I'll be out all day then need to study for finals for mon-wednesdays hahaha but afterwards I'll be free to work on your Chibis!! <3
    Sounds great!!! Looking forward to seeing them! <3 I'll be able to work on them this weekend!
    That's so sweet of you! ; v; And I would love to draw some art for you!! I'm still pretty new on the digital side, but what would you like drawn? :3
    Omg I made a silly mistake fjdbfjd I sent you a reply back via pm, but I did it to the gyroid LOL FHDHVCCJ AHHH that's so generous of you!! Thank you so much ; - ; but are you sure??
    Yeah, that seems to be the sacrifice you have to make. Either have some nice collectibles and little tbt, or lots of tbt and not many nice collectibles. I figured out that I could make about 5-6k tbt if I sold some of my collectibles that I don't often use (assuming that they do actually sell), but then at the same time I want to have a range of lineups rather than just one.
    Hey there! I was wondering if i could put the frost easter egg inside the cave while 2 alolan vulpix are outside, while one of them is holding the wand
    havent started yet. I was sleeping for the past few hours
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