YunaMoon Sep 16, 2017 YAY! I'm starting to get into collectibles here so thank you for my first! Cake om nom nom!
T T tybalt_cake Sep 16, 2017 OMG ur so sweet <3333 Thank you so much!!! You are acc the first person that is not from Mexico that sent me that! , <3 graciassss *te abraza*
OMG ur so sweet <3333 Thank you so much!!! You are acc the first person that is not from Mexico that sent me that! , <3 graciassss *te abraza*
A A Aazia Sep 15, 2017 Hii! By any chance are you from the Acnl amino or something bc I reacongise your name
Chibi.Hoshi Sep 15, 2017 I honestly have no clue. Do you mean the "exact" artwork used in my past reference? This?
I honestly have no clue. Do you mean the "exact" artwork used in my past reference? This?
Chibi.Hoshi Sep 15, 2017 I think you mean this one? I wasn't the one with the surprised expression. ;)
I think you mean this one? I wasn't the one with the surprised expression. ;)
Zane Sep 14, 2017 I do actually! Maybe because she always had that Lilo & Stitch avatar. She was nice but I haven't seen her in forever.
I do actually! Maybe because she always had that Lilo & Stitch avatar. She was nice but I haven't seen her in forever.