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  • You say that but your selling beau for 100tbt yourself, I was quoting the price with the reserved fee. I sometimes let the reserve fee slide, especially when I'm the one contacting the person. I do cycling where I cycle rapidly, and I feel like 90tbt has been working for me, I'm always listen to offers when given to me.
    I know my prices aren't the lowest prices, but they aren't the highest either. I've seen others with much higher prices, and I've even sold marshal, twice for 200tbt. I usually find the people myself, through a lot of different ways and that usually works for me.
    Yes! I know that about Purrl, I was looking for around 25tbt for her, 10tbt for her+15tbt reservation fee.
    Rosie, was looking for around 105tbt.
    Looking for TBT
    I'm looking for quite a bit for Rosie as she's really wanted, but I'm not sure if you have more then 50tbt.
    Hello, are you free now:( I just read my previous comment and it makes do sense at all in the last part... I hate using my iPad to sending messages>.< hope I didn't confuse you at all.
    I see someone at your town now:) has the giveaway began? I think you are. Dry use at the current moment, I will check back later:) so that there won't be any problem or confusion:)
    Btw I don't know if this went through or not but are you Maddy from Sydney town? If not I can't find you on the list.
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