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  • You Never Stated The Rule But Rather Your Own Person Experience. And Im Not Being Mean Im Asking For Space. Because It Doesn't Concern You
    Hi I was wondering if still have the bathroom sink and how much do you want for it.
    i know what that fells like has happend to me once twice. So i pride me self on fast polite trades
    yeah ture i most likely put it in there at some point and forgot again was not my point to try and cheat u i also have beans if you would like.
    Aha yes, I think I have it sorted now :)
    So I can afford my birthstone, but thank you for the happy birthday!
    Hi! I wanted to know if you still wanted your items. My Stale Cupcakes has already been claimed, but you can still have the laptop and Bubblegum KK.
    Forgot to say, you can also take 2 baskets of perfect peaches if you want and any of the mushrooms around the train station
    Hi, I was wondering if you were still looking for Elmer? He is in boxes now on my cycle town
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