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  • i've just made a new flag for my island and i'm really happy with it :33
    i also changed my island tune to Bella's lullaby from Twilight lol
    might be playing multiplayer with my friend for the first time tonight!! going to his island for some fruit (i'm still in need of cherries, oranges, and pears, since the fruit i got from Mom was the same as my sister fruit), i've never been to someone else's island so i'm excited!!!
    managed to get rid of almost half the flowers in my main flower patch before the shop closed tonight!! i've also set aside some of my favourite breeds on the beach to put back in once everything is cleared out - one of my top faves was the orange cosmos which is fun since i don't usually like orange ! - and also always the black flowers for my slightly gothy island :33
    my island is completely overgrown with flowers, i have to get rid of some of them but it takes SUCH a long time
    i need to dedicate an area to crops too, and clear away some shrubs and trees because it's so hard to get around at the moment
    tending to the island is one of my favourite parts of the game but it's so difficult to actually complete -//-
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