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  • I was just worried about getting scammed... I'm sure you'd react the same way, having given away an extremely popular villager and not getting a reply back for over two days. /:

    Sorry for making you upset. But I hope you've learned not to offer a villager until they are moving/already in boxes.
    We have different time zones, I'm afraid, and sorry for oversleeping and going to a funeral.
    I Get to it now... But i'm feeling very discouraged with all this attitude you are leaving me.
    I'm going to have to report you on villager trade as a scammer if you don't reply soon. I held up my end of the deal, you got Marina! I need Marshal immediately! :'<
    Um. How's it going with marshal...? You haven't PMed me back... I need him TODAY. Seriously /:
    So sorry its taking ages! Im eating dinner atm but ill continue straight after im done!
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