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  • Ah.

    Yeah, not completely through it, but you could drive off the original road and see the castle, and then drive back if I remember correctly.
    And yeah people are religious, so yeah they misinterpret everything in the name of god and proceed on attacking people and banning things that should be available, and are human rights.
    Eh, South Park is a fiction animation, not a depiction of real life. And abortion is not a sin, uh what the actual ****? It's more of a sin to kill a person forcing them to carry a child that can be very dangerous unless they can handle it, and also to let them live with a person who maybe raped them and that offspring, or only have bad education. That if anything would cause a huge trauma. I'm not religious at all and especially not on these matters.

    And what does homosexuality have to do with that now? So you say you deny people to be together and love each other regardless of sex/genders, and for them to be a bunch of crappy people just because it's same-sex/gender relation.eh?
    And yeah "not wanting kids" is a pretty legit opinion, I mean it's really easy if you don't have education on sex, birth control etc. or you get raped etc. You can't really expect anyone to keep it randomly if they don't want it or can't take care of them, the ****?
    As for selection of gender of your kid, that is stupid yes to do an abortion because of it but hell if pro-lifers start using that as an argument it may lead to corrupt country leaders removing it altogether. I mean some countries like, idk India may use it because they want boys but yeah you need to educate people on why not doing selective abortions because dumb traditions rather than just removing it if such.
    Eh well, as for PP they are an organization, not your family so that doesn't make sense. I mean I highly doubt a lot of regular people are educated to perform abortions unless they are very illegal, so yeah and I doubt you would pay for a random people on the street unless you agree with them or had money. And as for hospitals, I think it's ridiculous that some midwives refuse to perform abortions because it's "against their beliefs". Umm, those things are part of your job. It's like I would refuse to pack up tomatoes in a grocery store because I don't like eating them -_-

    And yeah males have no right to complain, they hardly seem to know complications with actually carrying a child and how dangerous it can be if your body can't handle it.
    I don't know, something like this is going to be entirely different from a staff member's perspective! Organizing events I suppose?
    Also yeah since your thread got locked, I'm against everything pro-life and dumb propaganda about fetuses being fully developed babies, as well as those stupid demonstrators outside PP clinics attacking people who needs abortion and stuff.

    I see no reason or good good argument for being pro-life, considering abortion is still illegal in too many countries and people thinking life is overly precious, while so many people are dying this minute cause of a rape, them being abused, kids getting pregnant etc. just because they don't have any kind of birth control and rights to get secure abortions. And religious reasons are even worse, it's like I would take a fantasy book and say "all men must wear bras or you are going to hell" or ****.

    As for Antifa and BLM, I don't support violence and their vandalize actions, but I understand their frustration considering how the world is nowadays.
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