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  • Oh nooo!! I'm sobbing for you right now! Poor you K!! :'( is there any way 2 people can visit a dream together? Its be fun to visit aiko village with you LMFAO XDDDa
    Those eyes euurghh . I didn't notice it until you change the camera around . GAH!
    Did you see that creepy library? That noise gets louder and louder as you get nearer to it and I saw in one of the YouTube videos (I think it was abdullahnation) and in the video every time he was trying to leave the room SHED BE STOOD THERE BLOCKING HIS WAY OUTT!! ARGHHHH!!! DDDD''''':
    Scaaryyy ahhh
    Hi! You offered to try to help me test to see if you can visit both of my towns. ^.^ If u you are still able to do so I'd be very happy. :) Just let me know.
    hi! i would love to come to snatch your brown roof! however im plot resetting atm and cant come D: i'll let you know when i finish! (hopefully marina will go easy on me lol)
    Awwh thanks!! I'd do the same for you but I don't know how lol
    I will do when I've figured it out lol
    You can visit me. I've planted your fruits near my town hall <3
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