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  • Wow! That sounds really cool. :D Especially the fact that you can actually meet people with the same interests as you. I'm sorry that people seem to be so selfish and make accounts and try to beat you at getting Drago, as you kind of deserve it more. Moved him from my camp, yeah, he's pretty cool, but I'm not keeping him forever. I want Chrissy and Francine. If Drago decides he wants to pack up, I'll give you a contact. That is, if you don't already have him. I wish you all the best, and have a good time crossing and, um, redditing? Is that the term? Ha ha :p If you plan to stick around over here, maybe you'll see more of me? :D I love this forum, but not many people are supporting my two feet at the moment with my dream, but I bet it's because I don't have at least a million bells. Sadly, not good at getting 'em. :') Have a nice day! And you never know.. You might even see me pop up on Reddit. .w.;
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