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  • sorry for the wait, I was doing a trade and my PM box was full D: Is it possible that I could give you the items with my first account and receive the cicada stereo with my second account? If this is too much trouble, just lemme know :p
    Alrighty! Do you wanna do your town or mine? And what is your fc? Mine is 2938-7584-3063
    I wouldn't be surprised if you did D: I'm sorry. But yes, Turnips are great, brings ants and flies. As for the trees, just keep slapping them :3 xD
    Thank you for the trade, if there are any other specific Pokemon you're looking for, please let me know and I'll see what I can do (for free!).
    Your inbox is full! My IGN is Illyana. I'm online now. Don't cancel the trade after Eevee because I'm going to give you a second shiny to help you out, I saw you had to start your game all over.
    You can pick up your two fossils at my first town, Milano. The rest will be in my second town.
    Gates open~
    Omg! Did I give you 2 whirlpool? Haha, the other was one for a friend! I have your hibiscus.

    Can you please re-open?
    Hey I'm sorry I missed the auction. Can I still get him? PM or VM me please. Thnx :).
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