Recent content by catmillk

  1. catmillk

    North America Rockinroller91's Amiibo Card Trade List! H:S1-S5, WA (JPN), Mario SS

    Hey! Would you be willing to do your 188 Ankha for my 418 Gulliver? 188 is the last card I need and I won't need my dupes anymore afterwards so I wouldn't mind trading my SP for your common. I also rarely trade on here but do on reddit, if you want me to link my proofs please let me know! I'm...
  2. catmillk

    thank you!

    thank you!
  3. catmillk

    thank you!

    thank you!
  4. catmillk

    thank you!

    thank you!
  5. catmillk

    United States Trading for N.A. WA (Updated 4.18.24)

    Hey! I've never traded on here but I have on reddit, if you need proofs I can send you a link; how does my 010 (Pascal) sound for your 402 (Timmy and Tommy)? Thanks!