• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Thank you :*
    I guess Resetti says it's time to sleep ;) I should be able to find some time tomorrow to visit you few times x
    Ah, thank you! I guess I could leave my ds open while getting ready for bed, so for about 30 min if you want to come over?x
    Lol, I meant "longish", not "lingish" ;)
    I'll be going to sleep after this visit, maybe we can arrange something for the weekend?x
    Sorry if I have rather lingish breaks, my dog is sick so I'm basically constantly cleaning right now or taking her outside... I'm aiming to do at least 10 visits x
    Hiya, I'm going to bed now and will be turning my ds off :) thank you so much, I'll be waiting on Wednesday at 10pm for a message that your gates are open :) If I'll be available sooner I'll let you know :)x Have a good day!x
    Aww, that's awesome, thank you! I opened my gates, so feel free to visit as much os as little as you want :) sorry, but I'll be unresponsive as I'm cooking myself late dinner ;)
    Let me know on Wednesday when you'll open your gates and I'll repay the favor :) x
    Hi :) I added your FC, but I'm pretty worn out right now and I don't feel like playing today. I'll be happy to leave my 3ds open if you'd like to visit me few times now ;) I should have about an hour free on Wednesday between 10pm-11pm UK time (for reference- it's almost 11pm now) if that would work for you? Maybe a bit earlier, depends if my son will be willing to go to sleep easily;) I have a busy day tomorrow so I won't be able to go online x
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