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  • New Features

    .You are mayor
    .you can wear dresses, tops, skirts, trousers and shoes!
    .charactors will not be a more realistic size a squirrel would be very small and a rhino would be very large players will also be taller
    .better graphics such as the trees and flowers
    .there is a new design of the town it will be a lot bigger than towns from past games there will be five sections first the main town and then the mall which will provide many shops and business since Tom nook is now a real estate agent there will probally be a much wider range of shops than animal crossing lets go to the city then there will be the model homes which is. Used by the street pass feature exchanging their homes then the beach which is much larger than beachs from past games and then finally there will be an island much like the one from animal crossing game cube
    .new furniture and you are also able to hang paintings and clocks on the walls
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