• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hi.

    Added the FC you gave me. Opening the gate to Koriko in one minute (or less). If your sister does not see the gate by then, please let me know so I may re-open.

    Hey Dallas, sorry I had to jet earlier.

    Yeah I have some carnations to spare, no white ones though...
    lol ok

    Just don't go out of your way to breed those, as I might TT myself today to move someone out, so they could appear during that time.
    No it's ok Dallas, that's why I was hoping to trade.

    I just have a bunch of other kinds I don't need.
    Oh no don't go out of your way for me, I'll just learn some patience and breed them myself. I didn't know if you had them on hand or not.

    Every time I walk by the gaps they drive me crazy, so I was just looking for a quick fix. Thanks for the offer though,
    Hey Dallas,

    I have a whack of hybrids like usual, but I recently had a TTing accident and now I have gaps in my patterns where flowers died.

    Can I just trade you hybrids to fix my gaps?

    I need 4 orange tulips, 1 pink lily, and 4 blue roses. I know I could grow them myself but I'm looking for a quick fix.

    If that sounds cool just let me know what hybrids you're running low on.
    I meant what sales do you have for your flowers since you mentioned you also have "sales"
    Is your flowers being sold each? For example pink tulips for 55,000each?
    Hmmmmmm, I shall accept the trade offer then.
    Two pink tulips/lilies for the two purple tulips/pansies.
    Acceptable terms?
    Ohh I see, I was only asking cause last time I placed my order there were no purple tulips and pansies. :)
    I was just trying to help out cause I enjoyed doing business with you before, as you were polite and your prices are very good. ^^
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