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  • It's alright! The trade just ended, I'm going on my main game right now. I'll be there in a few minutes! Thank you for your patience. c:
    Hey, thank you for letting me know! As I said on the thread, I'm currently playing with my cycling town (doing some trades), so I can either give you another FC so we can trade with my main town, or we can postpone the trade to a few minutes later, once I'm done! Whatever you'd like. c:
    I can trade the 20 TBT for 4 mil whenever you're available, I'll be online for a couple of more hours c:
    Lol, I think we're in two very different time zones, it's about 2 am or 5am every time you vm me! I'll stay up later tonight and I hope I'll catch you
    Hi, all your stuff is still available, I kept it for you, vm when your on, so I can open m gates.
    I'm sorry I was already in work when you messaged me :( I'm out at 4 est and will be available any time after then.. so sorry for all this back and forth!
    We keep missing each other! My apologies haha but I am available for the next hour or so and I will be available later tonight as well so just let me know what's convenient for you! :)
    Hello! So sorry for the late response but I can definitely give you those items! I'm available anytime tonight and some of tomorrow so just lmk whenever you're free:)
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