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  • Im going to void pate, I need her gone. I'll let you know if I ever have any other villagers moving though :)
    Sorry, only one villager can move at a time. If you want different villagers look in some cycling threads, you'll find tons of villagers :D. The void is where villagers go if no one claims them. :)
    I just got on to see if anyone moved or not and see if anything was in its place then i got off.
    it's red ;_; #struggle vm me thursday or friday then! ill be free from 7-10 on thursday and 4:30-12am or longer Cst
    i just put my ds back on the charger ;_; im sorry! >_< i feel bad now :c! i can play tmrw though for sure n_n make sure to catch me between these times 7-10pm central we can go on the island earn some medals or something c: ty!
    Hey thanks for adopting maple ! If you want to come over anytime let me know and my outfit was a qr code :)
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