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  • Okay, great! Thanks so much for telling me!
    I really hope that you enjoy Diana, thank you very much for entering my giveaway :>
    it shouldn't take much longer! pretty much everyone besides diana lol ;v ;
    ill keep u updated<3
    No worries, there's no one I want to really keep in my second town except for like 4 villagers!
    I can't believe I found both giveaway villagers so quickly im so happy and surprised ;v ;
    Ok! What is your timezone?
    I should have Diana in boxes tomorrow, but I also found a friend who has Mira (the other winners choice) and I need to cycle her out too when I get a response so I'm hoping Diana will go first ;v ;
    Ok, I'm heading to sleep since you went offline :b
    Diana should be ready sometime for you to pick up tomorrow, I just gotta get her in boxes :b
    I won Diana B)
    I sniped that auction at the last minute lmfao.
    Gonna be going to pick her up , and then I'll cycle her out for you! :>
    How much longer are you gonna b online?
    You're very welcome! I'm going to be definitely trying to get Diana.
    Someone is holding an auction for her on a sub reddit and I'm currently bidding! :>
    I should win it :b I'll update you shortly, as it ends soon.
    You've won my Dreamie Giveaway! I had to end it a bit early due to personal reasons, and when I picked one of the winners, it was you! :> Congratulations!

    How this will work is:

    I will go on a search throughout many websites to find you your villager,
    and I will purchase/adopt them into my town and cycle them until they are in boxes! However, I'll let you know as soon as they move in, and then I will hold them indefinitely while they are in boxes until you are able to pick them up.

    So, off I go to find Diana for you! Please be patient with me, however I do hope to get them within the next couple days!
    Oh man, I didn't see your message until after I'd left;; I hate when villagers change their mind! It's a total fu moment @ A@ Still find it funny how Lucy ruined things for both of us! That darn pig... >:T
    I completely forgot what your name was on here and go so confused at first;;
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