Dragon Spark

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  • Yesterday and day before that, I never saw your gates open, let me know when you want me to do the visitor TS thing.
    My sister the more unlazy one, helped me with the gracie clothes, and I have her place now in my newer town. I did all three fashion checks in one day, and I can tell you the secret how to do the three fashion checks in one day. I did the cheat thing 3 times in my towns now, I did it in my very old lost town Harmony and I did it in my main town Hyrule years ago and now I did it again in my 3rd town.
    Good thing you reminded me. I was about to head off to bed. I'll be 5 minutes and my gate would be open :)
    Hold on before I go back, I have to have someone deliver a few things for me because its the best time for her to do it now. It will be fast
    CST is my time zone. And yes I'm going to do Saturday instead because I just got sick today and I don't feel like doing anything.
    So tomorrow would you like me to help you to get a new train station look, by visiting you a lot and leave. I can do it tomorrow at 4 pm, actually right now its 12 am for me, so I can say today and not tomorrow. It feels like its still Thursday not Friday.
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