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  • I think the same of my face too honestly. Leaving my hair loose just lets it frame my face though so it's all good. I'm sorry that your hair takes so long though, that really sucks :eek:
    See you again on monday c:
    Oh man, that must be rough. My hair is thick and curly, so I usually just leave it, except for fixing my bangs xD Sweet though. Both my characters are there. Sage (my second character) got some more cool hybrids so I'm bringing some over to Roseton. :]
    Are you still available? o:
    I just got back and I'll leave my gates open while I bring in stuff from my second town, in case you want to come over too c:
    it's working now!! thank you so much for all of your entries, and this drawing looks amazing!!
    Of course not... cheese shortages are serious things o_o
    Okay okay :3 I'm just gonna go quickly shower then I'll open my gates for you c:<
    hey!! sorry to bother you, but your link to your most recent drawing isn't quite pulling up? are you sure it's the right link? thank you!!
    I'll have to wait until they're a little older, so they don't get too scared....
    That would be wondeful! ^_^ I'm just picking up some flowers from someone but we could do it afterwards :3
    Yeah, that would be great! :D Man, just make sure she has enough cheese before coming over... xD
    I didn't see your post! But I will be restarting my town next month! If you aren't alright with this then Bonbon will still be completely free :))
    No problem!!! ^_^
    Right back at you!!
    Ahhh that's so awesome, I'm so happy for you! :D
    I can certainly check it out. I don't have an account, but I might if it's useful :D
    Ah, I don't have a tumblr, but I have a twitter. I don't have Facebook anymore either. v.v"
    Yes of course it's perfectly fine!! ^_^ You don't have to pay me, it's all good. Thanks so much for the offer but I have like 4 blue violets already :D
    Yeah. It is super cool that she plays. She's been into Animal Crossing since the GameCube. From what I know the last two characters she wants are Vesta and Dotty. Her town is full right now, but she doesn't have time to really get into forums, so I hunt down items and villagers for her. :)
    Someone on here was selling a bunch of hybrids for 2 TBT each, 5 TBT for gold roses and Jacob's Ladders, so I bought all of their purple pansies ^_^
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