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  • Aw! Shucks! I didn't see your post... I'll be on after 5 pm today CST. Just pm if you're available too!
    Oh, by common I meant the little white round ones. That sounds good! Will you be online all day? I'm stepping out now but I'll be back in am hour or so
    is 100tbt okay? I managed to get kappa pants and yule log from another seller, so you can keep them if you need to, if not I can buy them aswell and sell them on (-:
    Thank you so much! I don't know much about the value of tbt so is it possible if you can tell me a price?
    everything? really? ah I thought these were such rare items. Did you want tbt? The things i'd like the most is: kappa costume pants, ski slope wall, sporty floor, orange lace up dress, and yule log!
    Of course, my town is perfect! :) I'll send your bells as soon as we're online at the same time .. xp
    Hi! Sorry, I missed your post! I do still have 1 red candy left :> I am off to bed, but I will reach out to you tomorrow! :>
    Sorry I couldn't respond. Depending on your time zone, what time are you available?
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