Recent content by Goth

  1. Goth

    Would you marry?

    no i have a boyfriend irl so i wuld not marry actually
  2. Goth

    ATTENTION BELL TREE VETERANS !!!! Is The Bell Tree Forums dying????

    awe omg ur making me feel old as **** ... my ten year forumiversary will be next january. I'm gonna be 22 😭 do you ever like look back on your life as a forum veteran being like you know what the **** am I doing on here still, or are you able to manage a productive life and an active online...
  3. Goth

    ATTENTION BELL TREE VETERANS !!!! Is The Bell Tree Forums dying????

    Well I'm glad there's no plans of closing! I feel like a lot of unexpected things have been happening since the COVID-19 pandemics effects on us. You can't deny the decline in site activity over the span of a few years though. In like 2015 they'd be 40 logged in active users and I just checked...
  4. Goth

    ATTENTION BELL TREE VETERANS !!!! Is The Bell Tree Forums dying????

    Wow! Okay it's like every time I login to this site, (maybe once a year) I'm surprised with the lack of posts! It kinda is melancholic to me because I have so many good memories of how active it used to be. It's true that forums in general are dying in general cuz I guess less and less people...
  5. Goth

    🍓 The Food Name Game 🍰

    lollipop (so yummyy..... 🤤 )
  6. Goth

    What Do You Look Like?

    ah thank you, bug! 😳
  7. Goth

    How Old Are You?

    I'm 18 years old :) still feel like i'm 16 with how messy my emotions be sometimes 😭 😭 😭
  8. Goth

    What Do You Look Like?

    user goth face reveal 😳 :blush: 😭 😱 🧚‍♀️ :lemon: back nd better thn ever omg i look so ugly :sobs:
  9. Goth

    What's your marital status?

    I'm sadly widowed, :( my wife died while serving in the military... she'll always be missed.
  10. Goth

    Bell Tree Direct - 2.2.20

    The redesign kinda looks gross tbh, will we have an option of having the older look back?
  11. Goth

    Fallen Turnip Memorials

    RIP my turnip, I was too busy with getting money from random old men online and now I have no more food to feed me and my baby :( #singlemotherprobs
  12. Goth

    Old School Animal Crossing Week starts now!

    Miss Keisha Miss Keisha, oh my ****ing god my ****ing turnip is dead because I kept forgetting to water it. Sorry I was busy being bullied to water my turnips. *Sighs*
  13. Goth

    What Do You Look Like?

    So someone at my school brought a loaded gun and almost shot us up and we had a long lockdown because of that and we had to hide under tables and barricade the doors and **** like that. Anyways here's pics of me having a mental breakdown.
  14. Goth

    I was just genuinely offended you would use an emoji with greenskin,

    I was just genuinely offended you would use an emoji with greenskin,
  15. Goth

    I was being serious about the green skin and Jewish thing, like I'm deadserious I'm biologically...

    I was being serious about the green skin and Jewish thing, like I'm deadserious I'm biologically Jewish, I have Jewish blood and idk if you do or not I'm not assuming but like can you unban me from the server?