Recent content by Halloqueen

  1. Halloqueen

    Should I buy a 3DS or wait for switch 2?

    We don't yet know when the next Animal Crossing game will release. It could be soon after the Switch 2, it could be a year or two out. I'd say that if you want to experience New Leaf and any other 3DS games that might interest you, you might as well pick up whatever model of 2DS or 3DS you can...
  2. Halloqueen

    The Official Feedback Thread

    My thoughts were pretty much encompassed in my post from the "What's your current opinion of the forums?" thread, so not much to add this time. But I've been reading through the thread anyhow. While I've sporadically won a few Staff Favorites over the years, as someone who isn't an artist or an...
  3. Halloqueen

    Do you play with or without sound?

    For the first playthrough of a game, I'll play with the sound on so I can more fully experience the game. However, most of the time when playing a game, I have the sound off and am listening to something else, whether it be YouTube videos, Twitch streams, podcasts or some other music. I might...
  4. Halloqueen

    It's perfect! Thank you so much, Digi! 🧡

    It's perfect! Thank you so much, Digi! 🧡
  5. Halloqueen

    The Official WWE Thread

    Saw a report a moment ago that WWE isn't planning on renewing Shinsuke Nakamura's contract and are thus going to be releasing him when his contract expires. Apparently going to be benched in the meantime. Assuming this is true, man, what a waste of years of his career. I mean, I guess he at...
  6. Halloqueen

    Trading Gradient Heart(s) for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather

    Managed to get my Red and Yellow balloon hunts done. Now looking for a Sky Clouds Scenery from between March 28, 2024 and September 6, 2024 if anyone happens to have one to spare. Bump!
  7. Halloqueen

    What's the last movie you've seen?

    Last night was the Season 7 debut of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs on the Shudder streaming service. As opposed to last year's one movie per week, it's now a double feature on the first Friday of each month with a few of the usual holiday specials sprinkled in. The first movie was the...
  8. Halloqueen

    What's Bothering You?

    We have to Spring Forward an hour ahead tomorrow night/Sunday morning because of Daylight Savings Time. Ugh. Also I missed a merch drop that I wanted to get this morning and have to hope/wait for a restock.
  9. Halloqueen

    Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

    Glad that they've finally begun putting the Mightiest Mark Paldean starters out. Finally caught Meowscarada in a Luxury Ball last night and am looking forward to doing the same for Skeledirge and Quaquaval. Wish I'd done my Violet playthrough so I could've gotten a Meowscarada in a Moon Ball...
  10. Halloqueen

    The Information Desk: Ask questions about the site here!

    Brewster's Café is for constructive discussion that doesn't fall under the categories of Animal Crossing or other video games. The Basement is basically just a place for forum games, things that can be covered in a few words, are repetitive, a bit more spammy and that don't generate bells for...
  11. Halloqueen

    Best Platform for Live-Streaming and/or Watchinf Livestreams?

    I don't personally stream either, but I watch particular streamers. I primarily watch people on Twitch, but some folks do YouTube too. I prefer Twitch for its chat interface and the chat emotes people put on their channels for their subscribers. However, I prefer YouTube for the actual streaming...
  12. Halloqueen

    Shop 🦅 Collectible Shop & Services 🦅

    I would like for it to have the message: One, Two, Freddy's Coming For You Please and thank you! I'll send mine over now. As per usual, just take the cost from my Credit, please. I hope you have a great night and a great remainder of your week! :)
  13. Halloqueen

    Shop 🦅 Collectible Shop & Services 🦅

    Hi Jhine! I'd like to date trade for that Red Balloon, please! :)
  14. Halloqueen

    What do you think of the current year (2025) right now?

    On a micro level, despite difficulties, everything going on has been leading to mental, emotional and spiritual growth for me. It's a mixed bag; I wouldn't say it's been a good personal year thus far, but at least some bits of good are mixed in with the bad. However, on a macro level, the world...
  15. Halloqueen

    Trading Gradient Heart(s) for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather

    Thanks for the heads up! --- Opening up my Red Balloon hunt to ANY Red Balloon from August or September of 2024 from last year's TBT Fair. Bump!