• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hahaha I felt the same surprise looking at that thread. Still getting used to the fact that the older I get, the more people younger than me I'll be interacting with online. Oh that sounds interesting, and impressive! How long does such a program take? I'm clueless as well; you've got some direction being in grad school and all, at least :p I think I'm just hoping to luck out and land an entry level job at some company and work my way up within. I am... trying to save up, but not doing very well so far lol. Don't even know where I would move to. Thinking about somewhere on or near the west coast but... I dunnooo...??
    Yeah, 22 seems old when I hang around websites like this where most people are still in their teens, haha. I still live at home as well, definitely the main factor in my extended adolescence. That's good that you're in school at least! What are you studying? I didn't finish college and work a silly dead-end part-time job. I need to get out of my small town, there's so little opportunity here, especially for someone without a degree and too shy to do retail/customer service type jobs lol
    Yep! Wow, same year too? I don't think I've known anyone personally with the same birthday as me, though I did have three classmates born on the three consecutive days after me, which is sort of cool. Yeah I feel ya. 22 seemed so old when I was younger! Like I thought by now there'd have been some definite shift in my mind where I started feeling like an Adult but I still haven't reached that point.
    That is awesome! Looking forward to turning 22 soon? I have/had an online friend born on the same day as you :eek:
    how many times did i need to use the word amazing in that first message oMG
    i'm going to download it and make all my friends join if it's that cute! i basically live for stickers, on fb i only really speak to ppl through the medium of pusheen stickers. i wanna be cool like u.
    i'm trading with someone for diana too, i'm so excited! just need digby and isabelle and i'm done with wave 1! i feel u, i'm gonna need beau ;_; i'd even buy my special 9 on ebay if i had to (soz sheldon). OMG SO BASICALLY IT'S THE PLOT TO MULAN, it has so many different story arc's though it's amazing lmao. u are so amazing, i bet they are amaaaaaaaazing! like i rly shouldn't ask for a tablet becoz i can't draw but i'm hoping the tablet will like make my stuff good, isn't that how it works????? omg i thought he was famous clearly not :rolleyes:..
    I just saw it, thank you very much for the feedback! I replied back, just in case you want to see what I said :D
    aw thanks! :) yeah it's nice just having people of the same age around! and yes my icon is from an indie game called Ib!
    FFFF omfg yes friend lemme link u. https://www.youtube.com/user/lolliPopLover6. This subber is amazing with subbing bangtan related vids (: you should sub to them to keep updated hehe. oh g OD you literally joined the struggle bus at the most painful time. how did you survive i need u era as your first bc I literally was a mess ever since the teaser first came out during summer + this bs that they've been doing with butterfly. I am NOT ready for their comeback and that's literally any day/second now. /BREAAA THES. Jeon is my second too LMAO honestly I say we go put that tol meme loving fkboy in a timeout corner. HE'S SO RUDE. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS /a lil cutiepie )---:
    Haha yes! Sorry if it seemed weird lol but yeah I just figured I would add some people around my age! Nice to meet you! :)
    hello! happened to saw your comments on one of the threads and just had to drop by to leave a message. ' u') your signature gif is too freaking cute. perf little yoongi.
    omg like my close friends hate me i'm such a creepy little cling on but if u're not like 1 of 3 ppl i'm actually rly chill (lololololpleasebelieveme). what a beautiful package it is. WHAT IS THIS LINE U YOUNG ONES SPEAK OF???? I'M TOO OLD. WHAT HAPPENED TO WHATSAPP? IS THAT NOT HIP ANYMORE?? we totes should although i'm sure everyone keeping tabs on our convo would be sad <3
    i'm not really all that bothered about collecting a lot of cards, i'm just wanting my faves but so far i've not really seen anyone i can trade bunnie/diana for boo. omg sahara is my worst fear because i ALWAYS reset to get a carpet/wallpaper on all of my side characters, like it doesn't matter that i have about a million i feel the need to do it everytime. omg i'm too boring to have an oc, i'm so jel, you know i once created a manga in my head that i was v attatched too (u'd love it so good) does that count as an oc? and omg i'd love to see! can u draw?? can i comish a piece of me + u in a field of flowers~~~ i'm thinking of asking for a tablet for my xmas :blush:! ok next time i'm on i'll send it to u (i'm just back from class and i need a nap lmao) my hospital is amazingly unrealistic and any patient irl would sue me for millions. omg no never, i don't think he comes here that often, too busy living it up in cali :rolleyes: i've only ever met tim minchin, who was a lovely chap
    omg no if i'm doing anything this year it will be just having a horror marathon, going to clubs on halloween is my idea of personal hell, it was so sweaty and gross and no. i am like the worst gal for like over thinking life, like i don't reply to ppl for at least a few hours so they don't think i'm creepy, it's hard being me and having such a natural creepy aura
    POPPY :blush:! i'm so happy 4 u, what a delightful bunch of cards! i wish i had a friend that gave me cards, i'm going to officially denounce my friends right this second!!! omg so i finally decided to like use her cards, she comes with a bunch of crap, i hate her. i know! i'd love to have my mayor with all my vills but i'm 2 poor. i don't have any oc's or whatever so i'd just get something ac related tbh :rolleyes:, what about u? i'm getting a bit better at the game but i still suck. my hospital is p good though imo, so i'm going to show u if u do not mind~~~~~~ gerard is a cutie pie, can't rly act but with a bod like that who is rly bothered (i don't even like muscle idk what i'm talking about) let's!!! he lives next to whole foods so we can pop in for some sushi and bubble tea <3 it'll be a perf date with ger!
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