I can't wait for New Horizons!
My Top 3 wishes for Animal Crossing:
1) villagers have unique lines and more unique personalities, not just their catchphrases. This includes Blathers – he had unique things to say about each new dono in CF but not in NL!
2) items are more interactive, not just decorative (not necessarily to the complexity of The Sims but it'd be nice to be able to make use of stuff you get)
3) proper, hassle-free online play, where you don't have to go through dialog trees to visit other players or open your gates, and where you can type freely (NL's arbitrary character limitation in its text box made it too difficult to communicate in addition to trying to arduously type things out with a stylus because you'd have to try to delete text to make it fit) and VOICE CHAT like CF! Seriously, the poor online play in NL killed that game for me
3.5) more things to do and discover, even if it's just re-adding it from past games (like playing ball with villagers, aerobics, sports fairs, treasure hunts, and daily minigames)
3.75) more winter fish and the ability to get the golden rod before I don't need it anymore! Like maybe at 80% caught
Current Villagers: Reneigh, Sheldon, Stu, Wendy, Gayle, Knox, Maple, Blaire, Katt, Bunnie (Bold = keep, Ital = going soon)
"Time for adventure!" (credit: lattemonster)