there IS actually! and so far its worked incredibly well for me, plus you dont have to worry about losing the villagers you like! basically, you make a new character and introduce them to everyone in town. after that, make sure to talk to all the villagers you want to keep once or twice, so theyre put in the friend category and wont move away. the ones you want to leave you only introduce yourself to- after that you have to make sure to never talk to them again! after all of that begin tting day by day, making sure to talk to one of the villagers you want to keep ~ten times. if they mention someones moving, save and swap to your main character asap. one of the villagers your side only introduced themselves to should ask to move out! if you want to get back to your original day, just tt back in a huge jump. tting backwards doesnt effect your town because its not seen as time traveling- meaning none of your villagers will move out during the leap and your main character wont get bed head