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  • Ok! My PM Box is cleaned up. :)
    Just message me back when you can usually get on.
    I tend to get on the late side.
    *sigh* That's what happens when people try to join my town. Would you mind opening your gates? I don't crash as much when I am visiting others. I am sorry for the hassle. ._.
    Hey, I thought I'd ask you on here if I could buy some beans. Name a price?
    Ok...I probably sent you the stupidest messages on your thread because I thought you were buying them...and I *****ed with guilt thinking you left without them. It took me 50 minutes to realize that you only wanted to catalogue and now I feel even stupider than hell. My friend still wants to trade with you if your free, but if not, anytime later today is good.
    um...town reopened. Sooo sorry but you got kicked off and now my computer has crappy connection so plz hurry if you can. Dx I'm failing so hard right now.
    About the spooky set, we can do all the items, but can you catalog the campus set? It's hard and expensive to reorder it all
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