Recent content by m12

  1. m12

    Buying  Do you like to touch slimy clams? Please read if so.

    I am in need of a clammer to drop by my town and dig up as many clams as humanly possible for me. It’s nearing the end of the month and the sturgeon alludes me (fake fish). I am offering 99k per 50 bait, and I’ll throw in a Nook Miles ticket for good measure. If you are bored and have time...
  2. m12

    TBT 3.0 - Is Now Here!

    I’m back for 3.0, my dudes
  3. m12

    What do you usually get at McDonalds?

    2 McDoubles w/no pickles, large fries and large sweet tea is the only correct answer.
  4. m12

    Do you know anyone with that name?

    Yes. Marcelo.
  5. m12

    I dunno.

    I dunno.
  6. m12

    The CTRL + V Game

    1. Do you agree with May that many psychologists study human behavior and experience in abstract and oversimplified terms? Give reasons for your judgment. 2. Do you agree with May that we have lost our moral compass? What can we do to regain it? 3. Is there too much emphasis in our culture on...
  7. m12

    TBT Activity and Users.

    I agree with this a lot.
  8. m12

    Um, it's not my birthday?

    Um, it's not my birthday?
  9. m12

    Do you still want TBT?

    Let it die, I weep for the olden days
  10. m12

    ✪ derezzed's graphics gallery

    Good stuff! I've used some of the tutorials that you might've used since I recognize some of the effects on a lot of them! I also like your name. Tron is my crack.
  11. m12

    Hi :D

    Hi, welcome.
  12. m12

    ~m12 Galleria Marketplace~

    Hi I'm still alive. Don't worry. I'm also still here.
  13. m12

    ey lmao

    Hi welcome.
  14. m12

    What Phone Do You Have?

    Space Grey 128 GB 6+