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  • I can hold him for a few days if you need to make space or something. c: He's not moving quite yet.
    If you're online now we can trade. :3

    I have an odd request for you though, if that's okay. I was wondering if you could pick up Marshal from my cycling town first, and then switch to a different town and drop the bells off in my main town? c: That way I have the bells where I need them haha.

    I have a few items on your wishlist that you may want, although I'm not sure if you already have it ^.~
    May I ask, do you have a steamed bun case for sale/trade? I'll be willing to pay any price/trade anything xD
    hey, your inbox is full, so i'll write on your wall instead.

    while entering your raffle (thanks for that, by the way <3) i remembered you asked about some jacob's ladders a while back. i didn't have any left, unfortunately - but i have them back in stock now, so if you're still interested, shoot me a quick pm and we'll work something out :3
    my 12 y/o sister ruined mine 2x already so she's never touching my 3DS xD she messed with the clock and lost Diana + Teddy D:
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