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  • Hi again! I'm just checking in to let you know that Marina is doing great and I've really warmed up to her. It was my first time experiencing a friendship with her and I absolutely can say that we've clicked. Just wanted to let you know she's doing great. :) I'll give you my Dream Address once I make some progress with the town! I just need them to suggest some PWPs.. I haven't gotten any Zen pwps yet :(
    :D thank you again for the money! I need to update my dream address, i didn't update in forever so that address is Pipto in October or something, i need to post the new address. :)
    Just wanted to let you know that Rodney's house went in the perfect spot, on my first try. It must be fate. :p Thanks again, and I hope Fang selects a great spot for you, and does so quickly. :D
    I agree, it has been a pleasure trading with you and getting acquainted! So happy to know Fang is in your town. :) My dream addie is 4100-2332-7407. It's a couple of weeks out of date- I was waiting to update until I had placed a certain PWP. I'll update it tonight.:D
    Thanks so much- I am pretty sure I can take it from here, as I have done the villager plot reset trick before, and your steps are crystal clear. I can't thank you enough, MM. :)
    Awesome! I'm so happy for you, and so glad we connected and are able to help each other out. I do apologize for the state of his interior- villagers request the weirdest things, and that can have deleterious effects on interior design schemes. He went through a prolonged phase of wearing the kid's smock, and I think he's displaying it now.
    No problem, I am patient. I hope you'll be patient with me regarding inviting Rodney. :D
    Ah, I see. I wouldn't want that to happen, so go ahead and place Peewee first.
    Just letting you know that I'm done with lunch, and can open my gates for you.
    Good, good! I'm just finishing up lunch here, so once you're ready to come invite him, let me know. :)
    No problem, I've added your other FC. I'm gonna be afk for 15 minutes or so while I grab some lunch. I stopped by and said goodbye to Fang- such a sweetie. I hope I can visit him in your town one day. :)
    I visited! I loved seeing all the cats, and of course I had to visit Rodney. AHHHH, so cute! Anyway, I've added your FC, so when you wish to come by, just let me know. I keep meaning to PM you about getting Rodney, but I guess I''l just ask- after you've chatted with Fang, do I just visit Arbre and chat with Rodney? Or will I need to TT to a point where Fang's house is gone so I have a vacancy? Sorry to be so hand-holdy about this, but I don't want to make a mistake.
    I'm excited to visit your dream village- one of my favorite things to do in AC. :3
    OMG, yayyyyyy! I'll message you in the AM (I'm PST, btw) , because I have a couple of questions about how to proceed- aside from you chatting with Fang, that is. That much, I know. :)
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